Saturday, May 02, 2009

Poison Control # anyone?

Well, here is the story of my life. I went to Albertson's tonight. I have this new thing that I am trying to look through the ads that come in the mail and find things on sale that we use and stock up. This is new for me. Usually I just make a list, go to a grocery store, and buy it. Sooo...
Albertson's. Deon and I go in alone, leaving Grandma in the car with the three kids. There is a deal that if you buy 10 boxes of Kellogs Cereal you get two free movie tickets, and since Deon has a line up of movies he wants to go see (Wolverine, Star Trek, Angels and Demons) *and* he eats a lot of cereal, this seems like a great idea. Get to the checkout, pay for cereal, but where are the tickets? Seems we made a mistake. There was a post cereal in a kellogs cereal spot. So, check into customer service, where I realize that the manager is a friend of mine. Which is good, because he is very patient as he returns all 10 boxes of cereal, gives us our money back, then recharges for the 10 correct boxes. This takes at least 30 minutes. When it seems the transaction is under control, I head out to the van to see how Grandma and the kids are doing. Look back at Sidda holding a half empty toothpaste tube. Hmmm. I have a bad feeling that was full not very long ago, as we went to the dentist on Friday. I ask Sidda "did you eat that toothpaste?" She replies "no, no mommy, I just sucked on it." Walk back inside, ask for the number to Poison Control. Don't know it? No problem, I'll call 911. Turns out a child Sidda's size (32lb) can eat 3oz of flouride toothpaste before it becomes an issue. Thank goodness it was a small tube. So, now we are back home, and I am going to put these kids to bed. Because I am done. Really.
So, I need to share our dentist experience. Thankfully a much better one than our grocery store story. Well, you win some, you lose some.

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