Saturday, January 17, 2009

The days are just packed...well, actually, they are!

Once upon a time there was a Calvin and Hobbes comic that showed Calvin and Hobbes doing basically nothing all day. The final end-of-the-day exhausted in bed frame had the caption "the days are just packed." I have no idea why this has stayed with me, I don't particularly like Calvin and Hobbes, and it certainly isn't true that I have all the time in the world to sit on the couch and do nothing, quite the opposite. But, nevertheless, I think of this quote often. My days are packed, and I hope most days I can fall into bed in happy exhaustion. And I usually do.
This week's big news was Aunica's best friend Erika was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. She was in the hospital for a few days, and we visited twice. Erika was in great spirits, as she really didn't feel sick, and her mom is awesome, and is handling it better than I am. She didn't have any experience or knowledge on the subject, but has calmly jumped right into it. She is an inspiration to me.
We finally got to meet with Aunica's teacher this Friday. It has been about a month, with meetings and Christmas break. I was given her report card to fill out. Now that is a little intimidating. How do you balance high expectations for your child with unconditional my-child-is-perfect on a report card? Do I give her all 4s or all 1s? Luckily I did get some direction from her teacher. I was also able to meet with a friend of mine this week who had homeschooling questions. I love to do this, and show off all the cool stuff we get to play with, and what we actually do with our week.
My last big change this week is that Girl Scout Cookie Sales started this week. I have been a leader for 6+ years now, but this is the first year I am a parent of a Girl Scout, and actually have to sell cookies. Before I have just shuffled them around. Aunica made her first sale this morning at piano lessons, and has set a personal goal of 100 boxes sold. I think I'll help her make a goal poster. Sidda was so cute tonight, it is hard to be two, hard to be the second with an older sister. Aunica was getting out as we ran our errands and selling cookies, and Sidda said in a very sad voice "Mommy, I want to spell cookies."
I said "you want to spell cookies? C-O-O-K-I-E-S."
"No, Mommy, spell cookies like Aunica." Small, plantive voice of my very earnest two year old.
"Oh, baby, I am sorry, you have a few years to go, sweetheart."
Anybody want to buy some Girl Scout Cookies from a very sweet non-girl scout?

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